AMA Recap NanoNews with Atromg8


Thank you to the NanoNews Community for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Atromg8 on August 22, 2020. This guest star Milivoje Batista, Founder Atromg8. If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries, here comes our 47th AMA recap!

We are glad to meet here:
Milivoje Batista, Founder Atromg8
For taking your time out from busy schedule for the AMA!

Introduction Sessions

Q1: Can you introduce yourself to the community? What is your background and how did you join Atromg8 Project?

My Name is Milivoje Batista, many of you know me as Quantum Baker (my Avatar in the Digital world)
I am the founder of ATROMG8. I am a classical project Manager and use to work for many big companies like L`oreal, Credit Suisse, Swatch Group, Olympic Games and many more for project management and development. I am since 2013 in Blockchain and have done a lot of structure project in this field!

Host: The blockchain industry is an industry that is in great demand and the existence of this blockchain technology can change the future with new innovations

Blockchain is security but not the answer for all the question the post pandemic world is watching for. Blockchain need to be understand as Engine of a car wich is good and brings us from one point to the other but the important is the car you are building with it.

Q2: Can you briefly describe what is Atromg8?

ATROMG8 is a platform a mix of Facebook and Linked in. Many Services under one Roof. Think about a shooping Centre where all the Shops work together to provide services and good to the costumer and take togehter care for the marketing and the activities in the Shop. We as the Management of ATROMG8 have the Focus on Data Security and privacy to protect your personal Information from being used by the Industry without your agreemten. In the same place we are taking care as well for solutions in the field of Education, Certification and communication. We want to build an environment which is safe and secure and the people doing business on it are known to each other to protect our community from scams and other negative experience.\

We have build the platform with an EOS Fork which we changed several point and combined it with a Layer and a protocol from LOKI for communication. This is the Basis of our Blockchain

Q3: What companies/projects do you see as competitors, and how does Atromg8 stand out compared to them?

We dont see at the moment any other API platform in the market as we are combining many fields under one roof. there are others who are doing social media and others who are doing B2B and B2C etc. but nobody is doing all together and makes a platform which is as well providing the community the possibilty to be a part of it and make money trough re training and activities the way we are doing.

We stand out because we dont think that we are very intelligent and caan do all alone. this is not the case! We are working with many partners like IBREI, Accubits Technologies, IEEE Student Association and many more to learn from the Industry what is needed and then we build together the envirnment. This way we make sure that we are not building something which is not used later on. On the other side we are in direct contact with over 30`000 comppanies and million of students who are trough poour partners able to participate and use our platform. That gives us the advantage and from the beginning a big community. But we can not sleep!!! We need to push hard to keep this added value and to stay there in the front!!

Q4. What is the use-case of the $Atromg8 token?

ATROM = Service on the platform
No Service is available on the platform without the Token. You need the Token in many fields like, issuing the Diploma and Certificates on Blockchain or to Register your online shop or to get Information and to send Information. This are all micropayments which are requiered. As we are not holding FIAT Accounts, all the payments done on the platform for the direct services will be directly exchanged on our own Exchange from Fiat to ATROM.

Q5: DeFi is very hype right now. Are there any plans for Atromg8 going to DeFi?

DeFi is a very big Hype like ICO a few years ago. The issue with DeFi is that the most of the services which are provided and call them DeFi are not really Defi as they are not fullfilling the requierments totally. We are very carefull with it as we dont want to go out there and say someting we can not deliver. We are experimenting on systems which are Decentralized Finance but until now we dont have the results we would love to share. I am sure that we will deliver a good system which is covering a decentralized fianncial part but we are not ready now and it is not our priority. Our Focus is the Social Media platform to go online in a few days and then start to connect all the services allready preapared and ready like Wallets, Exchagne, Schooling platform and many more

We have great Team in different part of the world and i am sure that we can keep up with the rquierments of today and es pecially the post pandemic challanges of the market

Q6: What are the major milestones Atromg8 achieved so far & what are in future pipeline?

We are very proud to be the first Blockchain on a Satellite. We are the first Blockchain which has a full node on a Satellite which is providing secure document and information exchange as well as IOT solutions. In August 2021 it will be brought to the space by SpaceX and this will be the start of a new eara. We are very proud that we are chosen for the Healthcare project of Kerala which is bringing 35 Millions personal and healtdatas to the Blockchain and in this sense the largest existing project of this nature world wide. We are proud to bild the WorldG8 with IBREI and Accubits to bring a platform for Buy and sell of goods to the Industry in which all the particiapnts are able to compeet even with the Big Boys in the Market. We are as well very proud to create a platform for Students to help them find jobs and additional education even the dont have the money for the is education. All this are milestones we already achieved and the most of it already coded and in test.

yes we think that a lot will change very soon. We see a lot of good things coming and more security then that what we have today! Security without giving up your personal freedom! This very important and neccesiary!

Twitter Session

Q1: I have done my Research about AtromG8 Network and i found out that your Goal is “ATROMG8 WILL CHANGE THE WAY WE COMMUNICATE TOGETHER, AND EXCHANGE REAL VALUE AS A SOCIETY” Can you explain. How will AtromG8 Network achieve this goal?

Real Values are the distinguishment between price and value. We have to day so many communication which are Fake. Like Media, Press and Trolls everywhere who are manipulating the market. By using Ai and other tools like Blockchain we can help here to get more quality in communication. With more quality and true Information we see the Value raising and this is one part. The other part goes with the Security over Satellite in which we make sure that Information exchange like the one of a University after a phase of Research does not get compromised or stolen. We want to make the world a safer and better place and that starts with the way we talk together!!

Q2: Do you think ATROMG8’s collaboration with the Kerala Ministry of Health will set a precedent in the use of blockchain technology in government agencies?

We are working on this project with our dear partners Accubits Technologies to create a safe environment for all the patients. They dont need to wear their data anymore or worry that the lose it or get the wrong treatment becuase the paper is not clear readable from the last Doctors Visit. As well the cost of insurance and management of the Health industry as total gets lowered tremendously which is very important for States like Kerala but as well many others all around the world because the Budget available for a stady growing population is decreasing and we need to make sure that aall people can have access to good treatment.

Yes, we are 100% sure that this will change the way healthcare will be treated in the Governement in future. We are already with other Gov entities in discussion in other countries to help to implement it there as well. But lets us finish this test phase and take the learinings with us. But for us as the Project and Blockchain owner it is a very important stress test of heaving so many people onn the Blockchain! This will help many people world wide!

Q3: Give me 3 reasons why users and investors should invest their money in $AG8 in the long run? What are the benefits $AG8 brings?

This is always a good question why someone should invest in us.
We believe that we are able to stabilize the project with all the partners and make it of real value to the Digital and Blockchain Industry. Alone with the partnerships we already have and working on the proejcts we are bigger then the most of the projects ever will be out there.

it is in the logic of the project that the value of the token will raise. What we are not doing are Pump activities and create fake values this way. Thats for many people who want to make a very fast profit not good. We see us self as a stable project which is building the value with the users and the services. The price of today will be soon not more available. to make sure this will happen, we are working very hard and taking meassurements like decreasing the total supply again and again.

Long term the only way to build a project and increase price and value! Everything else is not sustainable and will only make a few people happy! the one who purchased the token before the pump! We want that all are profiting from the project not only a few!

Host: Can you tell me where your tokens already listed?

We are listed at the moment on BIBOX and ProBit as well as P2PB2B which we dit to reach the russian community.
We are in preparation for bigger exchanges Tier Two and as well Tier One.

Channel Recap NanoNews, [22.08.20 16:10]
[Forwarded from Faiz | NanoNewsId]
Q4: What are the use cases for the AG8 token in the AtromG8 ecosystem? Do I have to keep a certain amount in AG8 to use AtromG8?

Channel Recap NanoNews, [22.08.20 16:10]
[Forwarded from Quantum Baker]
the usecase i have explained a few minutes ago in the AMA here.
Yes you will have to have a minimum Amount on the Wallet if you want to be able to use the full service provided by ATROMG8. Different process we are testiing at the moment like staking and Transaction participation will help the ones who dont have the money. Because a good system is only good if we are able to let everyone participate in the project.

Q5: Can you learn more about the ATROMG8 Charity Program? How does the ATROMG8 project choose who needs to be helped?

We are at the Moment supporting the projects we know personally. I have been travelling last year in Brazil and met many people helping the poorest. At the moment we are focused on people who has nothing more to eat and leaving with family on the streets to bring food. We dont have much money now but we give what we have to share. Every night we are out on the streets to help as community and i am so thankful for this great community who is doint this and helping.
In future the projects will be shown on the Social Media Platform and the community will decide by Voting which one will get money from the Chain of Love Pot!

this are pictures of the ATROMG8 community out there on the streets of Porto Alegre

Live AMA

Q1: ATROMG8 wants to build the most efficient platform for students all over the world. But I think, only few students all over world are familiar with blockchain & crypto. So, My question is, Do you have any plans to attract those students? If yes, then What are the measures ATROMG8 has taken to increase awareness of ATROMG8 project in non-crypto space?

We have already contracts with organisations in Italy and other countries in the Europen Union. As well we are signing at the moment with another Student organisation which representet in over 160 countries world wide. This activities will be widen and supported by many other organisations. On the ohter side we are not focusing on the classical Crytpo space with our marketing preparation as we want to reach mass adoption we need to have the massmedia supporting us and thats why we are talking and preparing our activities accordingly.

Q2: In the crypto field, it’s very hard for projects to generate revenue/profits, some projects have a 10% dev share(10% from transaction fees taken by the project),can you explain to us in what way that AYRONOCOM creates revenue/profits?

We are creating revenu fro all kind of activities and services we provide especially from the use of the blockchain for enterprises and secure document transaction. But Atromg8 is as well participating in the Shops and the sales done on WORLDG8 and other activities like the E-Healtcare project. We are outsourcing a lot and do not build overheads which are costly and not bringing any added value. As well the partners are taking over part of the cost for participating. This is bringing us from the first year in a positive result.

Q3: thank you so much for changing the world for the better and can’t wait to see where $ATROMG8 goes. So proud of you guys. Is there anything we, your community and biggest fans, can do to help ATROMG8 continue to succeed?

We are building all over the world communities who can help to build up and who will this way participate in the fees and turnover of the project. We will introduce the program soon and how it will work. Great Question thank you!!!!

Q4: We all know that Blockchain has many deficiencies as well, Why did you choose blockchain as a combination for your technology? What’s your plan to merge Blockchain with your technologies to make it safer and more convenient for your users?

Blockchain is the only known security level accaptable to us. We can not work with conventional security technology which are in the hand of one group. We will alway chose the security of the decentralized community especially when it come to comunication security! Blockchain is the heart of our project but not the only technology. It will breakt the window time to go trouhgh all of it. But you are very welcome to join our main group and to follow the develpoment!

Q5: Kindly, can you elaborate more about The Unique Multi-DLT and blockchain landscape? And after Latin America, do ATROMG8 have any plan to targeting more potential market?

Latin America is the largest and fastest growing Market in this field and we have there many partners already! Parallel we are developing India very strong as one of our main markets: Russia, China, Vietnam, Indonesia are in preparation as we have wonderful people from this countries supporting us from the beginning and preparing all we need to enter after platform goes fully live 11.11.2020

Q6: In decentralization, we know that speed is needed, as is the current problem faced by the expensive ethereum GAS Price and the slowing of the transaction process. What are your plans to deal with this problem on AtromG8 Network?

We think that gas price is a mistake. How can a company seriously accepting such price jumps from one moment to the other. As well accepting the transfer time of several hours because the network executes first higher paid jobs. This is the same sick behavior like we know inthe real world and again controled by a afew.

We need a clear price structure which is covering the cost and which is sharing the profits with the community and not building up billions of dollars to hold on the Bank Account while others dont know how to pay the bills to survive.

Q7: Am an ETHICAL HACKER AND EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build on

you can get in touch with us. We dont have now planss for a Hackaton but we love ethical Hackers who are helping us to improve security and our work.

Q8: What features are available on your platform that will be launched? And what makes you believe that this platform will be accepted in the community and have mass adoption in the community. Then how do you spread information so people know about your platform and start using it?

We are building up to one point and prepare evertything the rest we are building with the community and the Network participating with us already gives us the confident that we will be successful with that what we do. But what is success? If we can help to change something in the World to make it a better place then we are already succesful. If you toalk about financial success then this will be secured by the community once they participating and integrate them self like they do already!

Q9: Do you think this coin will one day be within the top 3 of the most bought or traded?

We are targeting top 10 in the first 18 month and so god will we will reach as well the top 5 soon after! But the potential to go there is 100% given and here!

Q10: Why is ATROMG8 SMART CONTRACT written in C++ language? Other DAPPS built in other languages can be translated in this way too?

C++ is the basis and gives us many possibilities but we are wrapping it in standarts which are as well usable in other languages! You have either the possibility to use C++ or the tools we are building on top of it and adjust them in other languages

Q11: Companies can create their own token on the ATROMG8 open source… how can the platform recognize and avoid the crestion oof tokens from scam/non trustable companies? Is every token build on this ecosystem secure?

We have a 5 level KYC programm! This is one of the reason we are working with IBREI which is at home in 20 countries and has over 30`000 companies in the Network.
We dont want that all can without controle of quality build on our Network and Blockchain. We want to build a trusted envirnment. Of cours there are never 100% but we do our best to prevent scammers from using our Blockahin!!

Q12: Each project has interesting stories before it is created. So can you tell people about the story that gave you the motivation to build and develop a great project like Atromg8?

We all have been scammed so many times from privat and the goveernement and industry and we saw what its happening in the World.

I am doing this because of my children to be able to say that i have done my part to make it a better place. So as well many in the team who was before in very big companies and do have now enough of this games!
If we dont come together as acommunity to work together to make the planet a better place then what sense does live have?

Q13: yesterday you organized an AMA session in another community, very useful and got lots of questions about vision and mission, technology, utilities, and others. So, what do you really expect from the community?

to show interesst and hopefull one day to join our platform and be a part of it in the one or the other way! We are not here to find investors. We are here to inform and to make you think about it and motivate you. Maybe its not ATROMG8 you join, but maybe you think what you can do and find another project. If i can motivate one person here to help to change the world then it was a wonderful and very successful AMA

Q14: Why did you decide to launch your token at SAFT and not at ICO? What type of investors have the right to participate in the SAFT, is it open to the public or would it be a private sale?

We are not doing both! ICO is dangeraous and SFT makes only the Lawyer happy! If you want to have the Token then please use the Exchange! Its limited there available and still cheap. But we have not done a ICO and ATROMG8 has not done any other presales. One of the merging partner where involved in SAFT and that why we know that all this are no solutions for us.

Q15: Despite the criticisms of EOS, how ATROMG8 is a “worthwhile” project to choose for fork and building? what would you do different from eos?

We only took the Algoritm not the EOS Management

Q16: IoT and machine learning are topics of study for researchers and scientists around the world. Does AtromG8 have partnerships with universities and academic centers? Are there any R&D funding initiatives or open grant applications?

We are closing with IEEE a MOU to cover this and other important fields in the Industry

Q17: Why did you name your project “ATROMG8” ? Does it have any special meaning? What is your background and how did you come to the idea to create your project?

AtrOM is the short for of “A trono com” a throne with… in the sense a throne for humanity and the G8 is standing for Gate. So we are speaking here about the Gate to better world for humanity. Our Logo is the Eagle Chetan which is the Eagle of good vision then this is what we need now as human and living beens. We need good visions how to come out of this situation our planet is in!

Q18: I SAW THAT SECURITY & PRIVACY ARE THE MAIN FEATURES OF ATROMG8, that’s great. Tell us in details about what programmable technology & security developed by your team to build the platform very secure?

Sorry Mr. Shelby we will not discuss security meassures in public . I hope you understand!

Q19: How does Atronocom use cross-chain technology? What advantages does Atronocom have over Cosmos, Oracle, or Polkadot?

We are not comparing our projects with other. Every single project has his added values and less good parts in the development. It would be like comparing diffrent fruits with each other! We are different because we are already in big partnerships which brings us a large user base from the private and enterprise standpoint of view

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Thank you for trusting NanoNews as the organizer of the event today, hopefully everyone can understand about Atromg8

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