AMA Recap NanoNews with Cenfura Energy


Thank you to the NanoNews Community for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Cenfura Energy June 15, 2021. This guest star Pasi Nieminen, Chairman and Founder of Cenfura Energy. If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries, here comes our 119th AMA recap!

We are glad to meet here:
Pasi Nieminen, Chairman and Founder of Cenfura Energy
For taking your time out from busy schedule for the AMA!

Host: How are you feel today sir?
Pasi: Hello everyone, nice to be here. Excellent, great to attend.
Host: Great, Our community hopes to talk and learn more with you about Cenfura Energy!
Pasi: Happy to tell, we plan to do many things in Indonesia

Introduction Sessions

Q1. Could you give an introduction of yourself And how you can play an important role in Cenfura Energy?

I am founder of Cenfura and XCF toke. I have been working on software since 1995, last many years in cyber security, blockchain and energy related. Got involved in blockchain sometime 2013 when lived in Beijing, when met BTC team there in legendary Garage Cafe, unfortunately did not buy any … but followed the stuff closely ever since.

Q2. What is Cenfura Energy? And how is the story behind the Cenfura Energy Creation?

Cenfura and XCF project was already started over 3 years ago when we started to think how to tokenize real world energy assets, started to build team, started to build the platform, energy asset project pipeline, and finally went alive end of 2020.

Cenfura, ( , will build finances and operates renewable energy assets globally, all assets will use our XCF token, ( , each asset will normally make contract for 10-20 years and will use tokens whole time. Now, 3 years later, we have super experienced (and hungry) team on FinTech, Software + energy development.

The key is not just energy but also FinTech side, where the blockchain is great

Q3. Please tell us more about Cenfura Energy Token – What utilities does the token have, and what benefits will tokens holders get?

Currently assets will buy tokens based on energy created. Soon we will announce additional use cases and DeFi side of things, all based on XCF. Keep following our Twitter and telegram

the key thing here is the idea, ever increasing demand for the token, but limited number of tokens

Q4. Can you tell us more about what you are planning in Nigeria since you have opened a subsidiary there?

We have soon news coming out on Nigeria, we have major energy development projects that we are currently engineering, residential, commercial and industrial green energy assets. All using XCF. Nigeria is also worlds #1 right now on token markets, having 200M population and token driven economy, very interesting.

Q5. How has the malachite mews project gone, has it been a success?

Malachite project was our engineering POC, case to study and learn tokenization, get first version of platform up. Now moving to commercial projects, vasta number of projects in pipeline in preparations now. Also coming soon on next version of platform as well

Twitter Session

1. As a smart energy services company,how can anyone else generate revenue with Cenfura? Can you share some remarkable ways on how to earn with Cenfura? In return,in what way that your platform generate revenue to sustain the stability of your platform?

We are about to launch soon our platform v2, this will bring economics for 3rd party owned assets to profit additionally if connected to XCF platform (i.e. use our token). In addition there will be DeFi side of things where you can profit.

2. I really interested with ur team build up,cenfura. So what can u give to investor that ur project is fully green power and smart energy? What the different beetween u and ADA? And are u planning to get some burn this year? Or in the near time? Thanks

Our team has a wide spread of experience across the crypto, financial and renewable energy worlds, with veterans of Wall street joined by serial entrepreneurs like myself. You can examine our already running project at Malachite Mews to see we are doing things in a green and environmentally friendly way. You can have a look at the team here:

We do not have token burns, right now at least. We will introduce different meachnism, we are locking up huge number of tokens for very long time.

3. What mechanism will Cenfura adopt to attract investors? What factors allow the latest investors to actively participate and believe in a long-term project, thereby further promoting ecological development?

We will disclose soon new programs on distributed energy funding, where anyone can participate and profit. Also energy trading based on XCF is coming soon. There will be number of new use cases for token coming very shortly.

again there will be ever increasing demand for the token in ecosystem and limited number of tokens.

4. What is the ultimate vision that Your project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrencies market? Obviously the whole space will experience huge growth in the upcoming years, but what role would you like Your project play in this??

We create fully physical asset driven Tokenomics. Creating new ways to create distributed energy and enable totally new ways to trade energy, all based on XCF.

The key for us is DeFi, that enables us to do things totally differently.

5. If CENFURA’s energy solutions are not yet available where I live, but I am excited about the project, what benefits do I get from acquiring and maintaining XCF tokens?

We implemented our proof of concept in South Africa, now we have vast number of projects entering in to engineering phase, we have number of news coming shortly on these. All of these new ones use XCF token. Each asset added into tokenisation will create additional demand for tokens, depending on contract for next 10-20 years, in average.

See more from Token number is limited but use cases and demand will grow.

Live AMA

Q1. From where can I buy XCF token? Is it already Available in any exchange?

It is iright now in (Singapore) soon many others. Also in Uniswap some.

Q2. Adoption is one of the most important factor that all sustainable blockchain projects should focus to be more attractive in the invertors Eyes. Can you tell me what Cenfura Energy has done and plan to do to achieve Adoption in the reality, real use cases, our real?

We are implementing multi billion dollar energy assets currently, all using XCF. Also there will be new incentives for 3rd party owned assets to join.

Q3. For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how Cenfura Energy project generate the profit?

All energy assets are funded separately thru industry standard project funding. we have both equity and debt funding partners there. in short absolutely

Q4. Do Cenfura Energy have support from the government or Start-Up in your country? What is the regulation on governing the Blockchain?

Not really funding, but we work closely with number of regulators, want to be very clear and transparent, XCF is under Gibraltar. Also noteworthy is that as a exchange is one of the most regulated in the world. very clean place

Q5. Is Your project a local or global project? how many communites do you have for non english users?

Excellent question. We are truly global, planning to build green energy in Indonesia as well. Assets are globally. token of course global. We plan to make local communities (face to face venues) in various places, Indonesia is 100% one of them.

We are seeking community managers to our XCF Indonesia now, if interested contact @Jussi01 here. He is responsible for community management

Also join and get more info there

💻Don’t forget to Join And Follow social media from Cenfura Energy
Website: &

Thank you for trusting NanoNews as the organizer of the event today, hopefully everyone can understand about Cenfura Energy

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