AMA Recap NanoNews x NDN LINK


Thank you to the NanoNews Community for participating in Ask Me Anything (AMA) with NDN LINK on June 16, 2020. This guest star is NDN LINK CMO & Co-founder Mark Nezvisky. If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries, here comes our 17th AMA recap!

We are glad to meet here:
Mark Nezvisky (@mark_nezvisky) CMO & CO – Founder at NDN LINK
For taking your time out from busy schedule for the AMA!

Introduction Segment

Q1: Can you introduce yourself to the community? What is your background and how did you join NDN LINK?

Sure, I’m Mark Nezvisky, the CMO for NDN Link. My main focus at NDN Link is marketing NDN Link through various channels of communications. I was contacted by NDN Link earlier this year and was intrigued by this technology. I honestly believe that it could have a major impact on the way data is being transmitted over the Internet. My main background is in marketing, recruiting and YouTubing 😉
YouTube channel:

Q2: Can you briefly describe what is NDN LINK? and what makes NDN LINK different from other competitors?

NDN Link = Named Data Networking + Blockchain. Named Data Networking is a Protocol that is going to replace the TCP/IP Protocol that we are using today for the Internet and Blockchain opens up additional opportunities for the implementation of NDN, we are different from our competitors because of our positioning on the market. If we take general competitors on the blockchain market, then we are doing something that is only being done by a handful of blockchain companies.

Most blockchains run on TCP/IP which is a centralized Internet Protocol by its nature. We run on NDN which is a decentralized protocol by its nature, if we take other blockchain competitors that are working on the NDN protocol then we are different because we focus on data transmission, specifically within Content Delivery Networks where there’s a lot of focus on video content delivery, live streaming.

Q3: What are the major milestones NDN LINK achieved so far & what are in future pipeline?

I’m glad that you find this interesting 🙂 I find it interesting too, For that it’s just easier to refer to our roadmap by this link:

thanks, yeah we are glad to have like-minded companies on this journey 🙂

Twitter Segment

Q1: What are the main differences between NDN and TCP/IP, what are the advantages of using NDN over TCP/IP, and how will NDN change the modern Internet? Why does NDN Link need a token?

NDN uses the name of the data to fetch it while TCP/IP uses the IP address of the data to fetch it. This means that TCP/IP needs to know the location of the server where the data resides while NDN only needs to know the name of the data and it does not care for the location, these differences are important for the decentralization aspect, because NDN allows the data to reside anywhere on the network and not only on a particular server. Also this is important because data is always within the proximity of the requester so eventually it will have an impact on the speed and scalability. NDN link is a blockchain-based technology that’s why it needs a token. We all know that cryptocurrency and Blockchain are inseparable.

Q2: NDN Link is focusing on “What not Where”, does this mean that the IP address where users access the Internet will be kept private? How does NDN Link not provide user IP address?

Yeah, I know it’s a bit hard to grasp at first, I also was struggling at first to comprehend this, but I’ll try to explain simply, there will be no IP address anymore. As of now each device on the Internet uses an IP address, this is the only way of communication for now, however what NDN is doing, is it’s shifting from an IP-based network to a named data network. in the IP infrastructure the host is the center of attention, whether that’s your Google server,Apple server, Microsoft server etc. In the NDN infrastructure data is the center of attention. And because of that NDN does not care where it resides, because it does not belong to one particular entity.

Anyone on the network with NDN becomes a date a producer and once that data is uploaded it on the Internet it becomes immutable, which means it cannot be altered and there will be no identical version of that data. The immutable component is achieved through a cryptographic signature and fetching data by name is achieved by using the same name spaces as online applications use, the namespaces part is a bit technical but as for the rest, I hope it was simple enough to understand.

Q3: What is the difference Between NDN link Routers and the Google servers Distributed Around the world? Basically is the same concept or not?

The distribution aspect of routers and servers is somewhat similar because both of the approaches aim to achieve faster and more efficient data distribution for large scale networks, typically content delivery networks serve this purpose, they take a server of a company and distribute the content globally. The content is constantly synchronized between a Content Delivery Server and the original server, this way the requester gets up to date data within their proximity. But statistically speaking that hasn’t worked out quite as well.

If it had, we wouldn’t be experiencing problems such as these: or these: In other words if the server is down, the whole network halts. That’s not good

With NDN on the other hand, when you have data on the nodes, servers and routers of the network it decreases such cases, because it does not use IP it also decreases the load on all the nodes of the network, whereas with CDNs, the TCP/IP has to make perpetual calls to fetch data, so even though there are servers within the proximity of the users they are still being overloaded with redundant requests instead of just reusing cached data

Q4: Most of the NDN core members consist of a team working on big brands such as Google, Nokia, Qualcomm and having great experiences. How did you manage to bring together such an experienced team?

it’s because the technology pulls people in. It pulls employees, investors, crypto enthusiasts, blockchain experts, and the community as a whole, everyone who works on the team is driven by the NDN technology, everyone sees benefit in it and everyone who’s participating in this process knows that it has a huge potential to change the way the Internet works, Big companies that are exploring NDN are also proof of that.

Q5: Would you explain the design of linear release of your token? Why is it going to take 6 years?

a diagram can be found by this link:
just scroll down and you will see the diagram, this is our way of showing that we are serious about this project, and are in this for the long haul. We want to see NDN Link succeed, only then would the NDN team be rewarded with NDN tokens.

Live AMA Segment

Q1: How central servers ensure the security of users data? How you prevent user from hacking attack?

we will do that by not securing the servers and devices and the channel of communication like it’s done now, but by encrypting the data itself through cryptography, whenever someone uploads content on the network, NDN will add a crypto signature to it, this way we’ll ensure that the data itself is protected and not only the server or your laptop.

we here quite a bit of hacks in the industry right? exchanges hacked, money stolen. Big tech giants hacked, etc

this is because the data itself is not protected, it’s stored in a raw form, that’s why if you hold crypto on an exchange, if that exchanges server gets hacked then you’re pretty much compromised, so NDN would treat anything on the network as data with a cryptographic signature, even the little messages I’m typing now will be encrypted.

Q2: On moving forward through your roadmap, what are your most important next priorities?
In Your roadmap you mention 4 phase CHRONO, GAEA, URANOS, TITAN. Can you explain it little more about your phases, Does NDN Link team have enough fundamental ( Funds , Community , ect ) to achieve those milestones?

Phase 1: chronos
It symbolizes the Lord of Chaos, it is the god of greek mythology. At the beginning of the universe, there is only one god.The world had just begun, this is also refers to as our project being born

Phase 2: Gaea
Gaea, is the mother of all gods of greek mythology. It is the goddess who gave birth to all gods in the universe. So, the mother of god, Gaea, symbolized the mainnet online.

Phase 3: Uranos
Uranos is the god of the sky. Uranos was born from the finger of the earth god Gaea.It was the king of the first generation of gods ruling the universe,namely the sky.It symbolized hope and future, and represents the sky. It represents the NDN Link ecosystem building prosperity.

Phase 4: Titan
Titan is Gaea and Uranos’ child, it is the god of titan. It symbolizes applications and commercialization.
as for the funds, yes our balance sheets are strong to do this long-term 🙂

Q3: Internet technology is developing very fast, even most people are not ready for these developments, what steps will NDN LINK take to reach everyone?

we will be offering NDN to companies that already have great products out there, meaning products that are already being used all over the world, the idea is that those companies would implement the NDN infrastructure into their business model, and then end-user would feel the difference this way.

Q4: NDN is not found on a central server. What security do you offer users when storing their data? Due to the problem of threats, such as DDos. What strategies has NDN adopted to deal with it?

Answer to Q1: the security would be in the cryptographic signature that I was referring to earlier
Answer to Q2: The pull-model of NDN effectively eliminates many existing DDoS attacks. End users request desired data by sending Interest packets, and the network delivers Data packets upon request only.

Q5: NDN routers maintain outstanding Interests in their Pending Interest Table (PIT). Interests for the same data are merged into one Interest packet. In addition, network caching is pervasive in NDN and can further mitigate the impact of DDOS attacks

The PIT state can also be used to effectively mitigate DDoS attacks. Because the number of PIT entries is an explicit indicator on the router load, an upper bound on this number sets the ceiling on the effect of a DDoS attack, PIT entry timeouts offer relatively cheap attack detection, and the arrival interface information in each PIT entry gives information to implement a push-back scheme.

Q6: A. Is there any tend to burn some tokens of supply in the future to stabilize the price?
B. Do you intend to expand in the Middle East?
C. Will the currency be included in more platforms soon?”
D. How technical functionilty like scalability ,work flow, customer privacy consideration , databases are done and handled ? In which area you feel to improve for future consideration?

A. don’t have such plans for now
B. Anywhere where there is Internet that’s where we intend to be 🙂
C. Yes, stay tuned for our announcements and we will let you know which ones
D. Scalability is addressed through the in-caching mechanism. Where each data packet would be stored on the routers of the network, privacy is handled through cryptographic signatures for each piece of content produced by the content producer. Not sure what you mean by workflow.

NDN LINK Social Media

Twitter: https: //

Thank you for trusting NanoNews as the organizer of the event today, hopefully everyone can understand about NDN LINK

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